Urban Outlaw Band

Photo of John Forte
A note from John Forte
The band started in 1986 with myself, Jeff McCray and Mike Tammaro. We played all original songs. Jeff and I stayed together
but the band members changed as we moved along. We originally wrote ballads and preferred love songs. Then we went through a pop and jazz phase, after which we wrote a few hard rock songs, and we finally found what was our sound the “Lonesome Cowboy”, “The Rivers Edge” period. At one point we recorded at least 5 demos and 1 CD.

Jeff and I went to a studio and recorded a 5 song demo where we played all the instruments and did all the vocals. We almost had a record deal with Atlantic records but they passed after they told us they didn’t know how to market us but they loved the music. Angelo was the lead vocalist during our mellow period but when the style changed Jeff became the lead vocalist because his voice suited the new material better.

Photo of Carlos Acha
A note from Carlos
First off, the Photo above from left to right is:
ANGELO (percussion and vocals);
VINNIE (Keys);
ALAN (drums),
JEFF (Lead Guitar, Lead Vocals),
JOHN (Bass and Vocals),
ME (Acoustic Guitar)

When the Urban Outlaws lost the deal the band broke up. I probably was the first to leave. After all, I had played with them for a year and was dedicated to getting a gig at least. No regrets really. I thought Jeff and John wrote some great music but I have a different style. I actually got to play with John after the breakup but it didn’t work out. So here you can listen to us live at Rockaway studios. I played Acoustic Guitar. We had a lot of fun! Rest in Peace Jeff! I miss you!